0086 13111302184 0086 18032259867 lvmubansheji@gmail.com

Fezhm ® Fully automatic hydraulic PPVC mold, challenging the world!

Fezhm Moulds.jpg

Fezhm ® Fully automatic hydraulic PPVC mold, challenging the world! The mold demolding/closing time is completed within 3 minutes, and all actions are automatically completed. Fezhm ® The fully automatic hydraulic PPVC mold has an inner core that can be hydraulically shrunk, an outer wall template that can be hydraulically opened and closed, and has Fezhm's unique three hydraulic driven reinforcement structures.

It should be noted that this video is recorded without a fast forward state, and truly records the various actions of the mold operation!

Fezhm ® Fully automatic hydraulic PPVC mold, challenging the world with less than 3 minutes of operation time!

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  • East St. of South Zhaotai, Luancheng District, SJZ, HB, 051430. P.R.China
  • Tel:0086 13111302184/ 0086 18032259867
  • Fax:0086 0311 88033398
  • Email:lvmubansheji@gmail.com
  • WhatsApp: +852 46592665 +86 18032259867