0086 13111302184 0086 18032259867 lvmubansheji@gmail.com

Fezhm® Mould for prefabricated concrete stairs

  • Fezhm® Mould for prefabricated concrete stairs


Can be adjusted in terms of step width, step height, stair slab thickness, stair width, rest platform length and thickness, and number of steps, and can be applied to almost all prefabricated projects.
Detailed introduction

Can be adjusted in terms of step width, step height, stair slab thickness, stair width, rest platform length and thickness, and number of steps, and can be applied to almost all prefabricated projects. Concrete stair components greatly save my customers’ equipment investment.

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  • East St. of South Zhaotai, Luancheng District, SJZ, HB, 051430. P.R.China
  • Tel:0086 13111302184/ 0086 18032259867
  • Fax:0086 0311 88033398
  • Email:lvmubansheji@gmail.com
  • WhatsApp: +852 46592665 +86 18032259867